Nextcloud on Rocky Linux 9
Usage Instructions
Before you start to access the system, please ensure the status of the instancein the AWS Console turns to Green, or the initialization process might be interrupted and the software configuration fails. It takes about 1-3 mins.
How to use
1.Access the nextcloud via web browser at http://instance-public-ip ,and then input user information to complete the initial setup. The default database is ‘nextcloud’, and use ‘nextclouduser’ as username ,and ‘instance-id’ as password.And then click install, and wait for a while.
2.This process depends on the configuration of the ec2 instance. If the installation is successful, you will see the following page.If you are not automatically redirected to this page, you can refresh it manually.
3.You can choose to install the package or skip it. Here we take installation as an example.After successful installation, you will see the following picture.
4.You will see two warnings. Here are the fixes. You can find the meaning of the command parameters in the official website documentation.
Set background maintenance time
sudo -u apache php occ config:system:set maintenance_window_start --type=integer --value=1
Repair database index
cd /var/www/html/nextcloud sudo -u apache php occ db:add-missing-indices
Component | Version | Software Home |
Apache | 2.4.57 | /etc/httpd |
MYSQL | 8.4.2(LTS) | /etc/my.cnf |
PHP | 8.3.11 | /etc/php.ini |
Nextcloud | 29.0.7 | /var/www/html/nextcloud |
phpMyAdmin | 5.2.1 | /usr/share/phpMyAdmin |
webmin | 2.202 | /usr/libexec/webmin |
redis | 6.2.7 | /etc/redis |
The scripts is located in /var/www/scripts/.
Cerbot_tool script need that you have configured the domain name’s DNS record to point to the public IP address of your instance.
Two scripts will backup current apche and nextcloud config and replace it.
Multi-user use: Background jobs of nextcloud Use ajax by default,we recommend you user crontab.
sudo crontab -u apache -e
*/5 * * * * php -f /var/www/html/nextcloud/cron.php
The firewalld is enabled and selinux is enforcing.
If you encounter problems in the process of using the system, please contact us by email, thank you!